Sunday, December 3, 2006
12:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m.
Get off the holiday consumer treadmill
Give life enriching support
Locally - nationally - internationally
Replace gifts of stuff
Honor family & friends with meaningful donations
Hospice of Spokane YWCA Partners for Pets Spokane Neighborhood Action Program Heifer International Plan USA Habitat for Humanity Hope House (a program of Volunteers of America) Planned Parenthood Second Harvest Food Bank Spokane AIDS Network & Others
Purchaser will receive a beautiful handmade holiday card to send to family and friends commemorating the chosen gift.
This will be an afternoon of fun, fellowship and giving through responsible consumerism as we share in the true holiday spirit! Enjoy live music and refreshments.
Unitarian Universalist Church
4340 W. Fort Wright Drive, Spokane WA 99224
On the corner of Government Way & Fort Wright Drive
Thanks to Linda Moulder for sending in this information!
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